Wednesday, August 31, 2011

ways of education

Elementary school and high school were actually very different for me. As I started out in elementary at first when I was smaller, I can be more compared to the lowest level of class education because my teachers didn't really show an effort in teaching the class. They were more concerned with giving us orders, and disrespecting us as students than teaching us the material. Therefore, I didn't really show an interest in school at first. I was kind of a bad student. Most of the time I would not really pay a lot of attention because simply the teacher wouldn't do anything to try to gain it. However, as I reached the sixth grade and so forth, I had an amazing teacher that actually respected us as students and more importantly didn't tell us what to do all the time, she would still give us instructions but she would state the purpose behind her directions. She was committed to teaching her class so those years can be compared to more like middle class school. High school was a whole different situation for me. I enrolled in honor and AP classes therefore everything was so much more difficult, but it was like the elite school because our teachers were strict yes but they explained the material correctly and let us make our own decisions on what would be the best fitted answer; these classes made me think a lot. I can truly say that those teachers that were actually committed to my learning are the instructors that influenced me on becoming someone independent that seeks a better education and wants to be someone in life. Thanks to those teachers I can stop spacing out and I can actually concentrate on my reading and writing and do a decent job on it. The schools' system in the U.S is kind of messed up because now a days everyone wants to be a teacher but they do not really have the passion for it. It should be more than a job to them, it should be what they love to do. Thanks to the encouragement of my latest teachers I'm prepared to conquer the world if necessary. I determined to work very hard to reach all of my goals, therefore I'm taking on a world full of challenges.

1 comment:

  1. My education was kind of opposite in comparison to yours. In my elementary school years I had very creative teachers who made learning more then just learning. Highschool I was enrolled in AP honors courses as well and my teacher did what she had to do to teach us and nothing more. I agree with you that not everyone is cut out to be a teacher and should truly have a passion for it so they can encourage students to prosper and become people who can "take on a world full of challenges."
